AKA conducted a geotechnical investigation and provided geotechnical engineering services during construction of The Standard at Berkeley Building directly across from the University of California, Berkeley campus. Completed in 2021, The Standard at Berkeley project involved the construction of a new 8-story mixed-use retail/student housing building with one level of below ground parking. AKA’s geotechnical investigation included drilling borings at the site, conducting laboratory tests, and developing geotechnical recommendations for the project design. AKA provided miscellaneous geotechnical consultation throughout the design of the project temporary shoring which varied based on the location and existing adjacent structures and consisted of soldier beams with tiebacks, soldier beams with internal bracing to deadman anchors, cantilever soldier beams, and underpinning with tiebacks. AKA also provided comprehensive geotechnical observation and testing services and provided consultation to resolve onsite geotechnical issues.
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